Monday, April 18, 2011

Rediscover the Resurrection - Day 2

Monday - Jesus Teaches (John 12:20-36Mark 11:15-18)

The enthusiasm was still very high for Day 2, with reminders on the hour "Is it time yet?  What is Jesus going to do today?"  Tonight we talked briefly about Jesus clearing the temple, but I had planned to focus on two parts of his message.  First about "if a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it produces many seeds."  They weren't really interested in this illustration and were having more fun trying to decide what to use for the temple in our scene.  Levi thought of a napkin holder we have in the china cabinet.  Hey, why not?  It's only collecting dust in there.  hehe

So I let them set up the scene.  They dug Philip and Andrew out of the disciple pile (since they were the ones who it says were with Jesus) and stood them up on either side of them.  Levi was a little frustrated that Jesus wouldn't fit inside the napkin holder temple, but they decided he would be facing the people to teach them.  

When I began talking about walking in the light, they got it immediately.  They jumped up to turn off the lights and tell me how dangerous it is to walk in the darkness and how that is what Satan wants us to do.  Then on came the light switch, and "See Mamita, the darkness is gone!  Jesus is the light!"  We went with it, and I dug out some tealight candles to add to the scene.  We lit one for tonight, then added six more on the way to the cross.

My favorite moment was catching Sissy fascinated with the light long after our story was finished. 

For more activities:

- Clean your temple.  Explain how the area Jesus was clearing was the place where people who were not Jews were allowed to pray, but it had been become dirty, noisy, and corrupt...not a place of worship.  Together, clean up a space in your home that is peaceful and conducive to worship.  Add some candles or little white lights to be turned on only during your Rediscover the Resurrection! time to make it more memorable.  

- Create a Peace Retreat.  Similar idea as above, but used in a slightly different way.  We have recently designated a rocking chair in our corner to be that peaceful place for us.  (Check out this post by A Holy Experience on how to make and take a peace retreat.)

- Plant some seeds.  Choose grass or a quick sprouting herb in order to be able and see results fairly soon.

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